get it... daily
April 24, 2010
Highly recommended eating... er... reading....
We suggest you not read it on a full
stomach, or just before a meal, but if you can find just the right time we do
suggest you read John Layman's Chew series.
What's it about? We'll copy/paste the description
Chew Volume 1: Taster's Choice
Tony Chu is a detective with a secret.
A weird secret. Tony Chu is Cibopathic, which means he gets psychic
impressions from whatever he eats. It also means he's a hell of a detective,
as long as he doesn't mind nibbling on the corpse of a murder victim to
figure out whodunit, and why. He's been brought on by the Special Crimes
Division of the FDA, the most powerful law enforcement agency on the planet,
to investigate their strangest, sickest, and most bizarre cases.
Of course, it's full of epic amazing too.
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