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January 9, 2009

Keep it coming!

It's not often you start talking about the next presidential election days before the current president-elect's inauguration.  But there we were, talking about how the 2012 Palin buzz is likely to continue.

We all agreed this was a good thing, providing she 1) still looked like the party pick, and 2) continued to act like a clueless soccer MILF.

And today she comes through again.

In an interview Palin complained that she wasn't getting enough credit for Tina Fey's success.  That she had been exploited, and that Couric in particular had taken her to task.  Recall that Couric asked such amazingly hard questions as "what newspapers do you read?"

Well, we'll do our best to make things right here in our own little way.  Sarah, you have provided us with so much, and we hope to credit you with so much more in the future. We'll give you all the credit.


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