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August 23, 2005
Q&A for Tuesday
What's your expectation of the entire Iraq war mess? Will they meltdown into a repressive theocracy a la Iran? Will Cindy Sheehan sway public opinion enough to screw the Republicans in 2006? Is Bush going to be reviled as worse than Nixon or saintlier than Reagan? I remain Crazy Pete
It will get messier before we wise up. The Republicans are busy screwing themselves. Bush is already firmly in the more damage to US credibility than Nixon category. Nixon, for example, reopened our relations with China, went there himself. This is something Shrub has yet to approach on any level. Regan was a saint only in the sense that many saints were insane.
I think it's funny that people post angry questions about Bush and society, when they know you're just going to make some joke. Sorry, I guess that wasn't a question. - Tuesday
You're right.
Me and Alyssa were pleased with your answer. Thanks Evil.com (cheesy smile) ! -Sammy Trombone (i forgot my name last time)
Not a question
either. Looks like folks are running out of
you know, i swear i remember something about the seperation of church and state.... am i the only one who remembers that? :st. steve the satanist:
Nope, they remember. The thing is they want to change it. They fuck with whatever keeps power away from them, and claim the rest is too sacred to touch.
okay okay, so im
asking two, i had too, this is an important
question. waffles or pancakes? :st.steve the
hardXcore suicide.
Dry toast please, and black coffee.
Your alternatives? Hmm.. leaving. Ignoring people. HARDCORE SUIDCIDE. That's obviously the only option. So just keep up the great work with the website, and good luck in your worldly and..otherwise endeavors. :D Grace
Guess we're not interested in alternatives after all.
Woofbob supports you. -Tom, of Woofbob
Yup, definitively running out of questions.
- Select this text
- Type something - Add your name - Press Submit -
*long pause* I'm just kidding you guys, I never
really meant to be that uncreative. Here, have a
shiny new quarter. By the way, did we ever catch
that hungry fellow that loved mittens?
- Select this text - Type something - Add your
name - Press Submit - *long pause* I'm just
kidding you guys, I never really meant to be that
uncreative. Here, have a shiny new quarter. By the
way, did we ever catch that hungry fellow that
loved mittens? -Sir Spoon. (no I didn't forget to
add my authentic I.D. the first time!)
Dry toast please, and black coffee.
Are you fans of Absinthe, or am I the only one? - C.D.
Absinthe makes a kick-ass martini by the way.
What is the world comming to? Micheal Jackson owns the Beatles music and an Illiterate jack-ass runs the most powerful country in the world. Is it the apocalypse, the armageddon, or the Y2K bug? -Mira
Wait and see...
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