we get it.
June 25, 2003
Raul's Journal for Wednesday
There were some mean things said about me in the shout entries yesterday. I will not talk about those. I will try to be a good replacement web person while the Misters E are gone. I will keep answering your questions. Here is one.
Do you have a mailing list? if so E-mail me at soullessone666@<deleted>.com Thank you
The Misters E said I shouldn't post real e-mail addresses you silly Hotmail person. So I have changed it to save you from yourself. The web site does not have a mailing list. That would be like spam. The Misters E have said that "Opt-in crap just doesn't work. If we ever start taking donations we might mail things out to people who have verified their existence with cash." Thank you.
If a person's brain were transplanted into someone elses head, who would the original person be? The brain or the body???? Morgana Laninopally
OK. It is a riddle. Is it a riddle? OK. I guess the original person would still be the original person? Also, I think it was also Pinky, not body. Some times these things get confusing when a TV show has been canceled.
So, if there is no I in Team, how do you explain Tieam?
Yes, there is an I in that. What did you need explained?
I am not proud of today's journal. Please write better questions.
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